Currently Reading: Legacy by Susan Kay
Currently Watching: Game of Thrones: Season 3
I thought that I was going to be able to finally post the itinerary for our UK Trip a week ago, but a last minute change left us scrambling to adapt... however, said enforced change is of the most wonderful kind. When we went to book our tickets for the
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I've watched it twice as well! It's just so amazing. They nailed every aspect of it so perfectly that it makes me love the show runners forever. As you say, it's not that the show doesn't have it's faults (Agree 100% about Stannis and John Snow. Jesus, have they short-changed the latter's storyline... and I could do without Ros the Sexposition Whore taking up so much screen time), but the weak stuff is balanced by stuff that kicks so much ass that you can forgive them. Sometimes, it's even an improvement over the books - the ladies Tyrell are far more dynamic on screen than on the page, imo.
Heh, I'm a total Jaime apologist. I know he threw a boy out of a window and all and he loves his sister a lot too much, but he also has some solid seeds of goodness in there too which start to grow as soon as he's away from him horrid family. He's one of the most grey characters I've encountered and I love him for it. That said, Brienne was totally right.
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Fair enough on Jaime's puffed up sense of crazy... I blame Tywin. Because that's the hardest hard ass to ever come down the pike.
Someone already did it! I told Amy that I didn't think anything could fill the void left by the absence of Dowager's Violet's snark, and here comes Olenna with not only the snark, but the dirty philosophy as well! So much love. X-D
Downton Thrones
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