We All Have to be Good at Something

Apr 17, 2011 11:37

Currently Reading: Bossypants by Tina Fey
Currently Watching: Sarah Jane Adventures - Season 2

I have to give the Brits credit. How cool is it that they have a series that stars a lady in her early 60s having real adventures? Granted, BBC has long been the home of Miss Marple and the Ladies Rosemary and Thyme to name a few, but they weren't exactly going toe to toe with Sontarans, Slitheen and the like all the while wrangling three teenagers. Sarah Jane does all that and more. And Elizabeth Sladen looks amazing at her 60 some odd years - she's wearing her age even more gracefully than Helen Mirren. It would seem the Brits have, perhaps, discovered the secret of aging gracefully and are just not choosing to share it! I was floored when someone told me how old she is. Like Helen, she is certainly a level of grace, fitness and sophistication to aim for in aging. Not to mention her wardrobe today is a vast improvement over her days with the Doctor. *g*

In my life I've managed to obtain many skills. Among the things I know how to do, I'm above average in dealing with computers & electronics and if I can overcome my mental issues long enough, I'm still a good artist in a variety of different mediums. However, every day I'm humbled by the fact that the skill I possess that astounds people of all ages the most is opening a damn CD. Seriously. The way people oooh and aaaahh at my prowess, you'd think I just reinvented the wheel. They literally call their friends over to watch me. I dunno, maybe I am something special. Maybe I should see if there's a contest I could enter or a world record I could break - "Fastest Time Opening a CD!". Somehow, I doubt it. I think that's when my poor life choices hit me the hardest - I'm at a place in my life where my greatest, most admirable skill is opening a CD. It's rather sad. Oh well. I still don't have the nerve or the ambition to even try to do anything greater. And I probably won't until Barnes & Noble tanks and I swallow my pride and get some therapy.

Speaking of swallowing my pride, the book I reviewed in my last entry, Pegasus, was the first book I ever read almost entirely on an e-Reader device. They installed a Nook Color demo unit in my department last month. It's supposed to be there so I can introduce customers to it, but mostly I just get angry old men and women yelling at me about how I'm personally killing the printed media industry which in turn makes me reluctant to mention it to anyone unless there's a manager glaring over my shoulder. So, it's mostly there to relieve my brain-cell killing boredom these days. See, it's a demo Nook model registered to the store. That means I can download anything I want for free. It stays on the device for the day and then goes poof in the night. So, I just download whatever I'm currently reading and continue where I left off. It's done wonders for the number of books I get through - especially memoirs read incredibly fast when you're standing around twiddling your thumbs. In relieving my boredom, I've realized that our Nook Color (Or, "Colored Nook" if you're from the South. No. Really. That's what customers come in and ask for. It's pretty awesome. Especially since the original Nook is white and the Color Nook is Black. Well planned BN!) is actually a pretty sweet little tablet. Or, it will be once it gets the Flash update later this month. I like it so much that I've decided to shove my useless Smart Phone up Verizon's ass, replace it with the cheapest call/text phone they carry and get a Nook Color. It will shortly do everything I wanted the Smart Phone for and I only have to pay for it once! I can't believe no one has screamed Fraud or Highway Robbery for the obscene amounts of money cell phone companies charge for data plans that barely work. I know I said I have no use for an e-Reader and I still don't, really, but I do have a use for a pretty sweet little tablet computer with access to the Android App Store! It's basically going to be like a mini-iPad with Flash after the new update hits. And once I stopped and thought about it, just two months of Cell Phone bills pays for the device and cover! I'd be stupid not to switch.

In other news, you guys, this is really happening:

image Click to view

If I was forced to pick a favorite film of all time, it would be The Lord of the Rings. I could even narrow it down to The Fellowship of the Ring if I absolutely had to, but it's really the trilogy in it's entirety that I adore. To me, it's nearly perfect. I was so disappointed when it was announced about five years ago that Peter Jackson would not be helming The Hobbit. It would never be the same without him. It couldn't be. Apparently, fate felt the same way since it seemed like problem after problem plagued this little production until old Pete finally gave in and said, "Okay, okay, universe, I get it! I'll direct the movie!" and since then everything has moved along smoothly. And now it's really happening. And I can already tell it's going to be as perfect a companion to LotR as it can be. As it should be. I mean, who else could have recreated the sets in such exacting detail? Everyone looks so happy to be back, it's like a reunion of old friends. Awesome. So very awesome. I can't wait. And I know Martin Freeman is going to be a marvelous Bilbo. There was no better choice. I hope they keep posting these set diaries as filming goes on. They're fascinating.

Finally, this is also really happening. *Cue spastic happy-dance* Unlike The Hobbit though, this is only exciting and significant to a tiny group of middle class America kids born between the years 1979-1984.

"In a hole... in the ground... there lived a hobbit."
- J.R.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit)
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