Sep 12, 2013 22:53
It's been FOUR YEARS since my last post. So much has happened during those years, some major events that have changed me to the person I am today. Reading through the previous posts, I do not recognize the woman who wrote those enteries, though I know they are my words. Wow.
Borders closed it's doors for good and as a result, I lost my job. I now work as an inside sales account manager at Thruway Fasteners. My co-workers are good people and they helped get me through the rocky learning curve I experienced after a lifetime of retail. After 2 years in the office, things are pretty good.
I lost my beloved Mocha in late January this year. Letting her go was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, but I know it was the right thing for her. She had been slowly getting sicker over the past several years and the time had inevitably come. It was like Wilf and the four knocks. You can try to avoid the shadow but it will eventually find it's way to you. I will love her forever. She has her little pawprints tracked over my heart, and no matter what other furry friends I may know in my life, they will never fade away. <3
I plan to keep up with this journal now that I'm reminded of it's existance. Facebook kind of took over for my social media outlet of choice, but I haven't been writing anything of weight lately and need a place to vent. FB is not the place for such things, so I have returned to the cozy place that has been waiting for the retun of my mewling rants. Rawr.