So, I was reading this
essay this morning over at
Bill Whittle's place (one of best essayists of our times. I've been catching up on his previous essays, and am only about halfway through but. . .he's good. I highly reccomend his writing-- most of his essays have now been published ina book called Silent America). Anyway, in the comments to the essay, I ran across the idea of the
Lamedvavnicks. This was brought up from the idea of the Remnant, as written of in Isaiah, and curiosly, also by Plato.
And all of this reminded me of something I wrote several months ago:
People in waiting.
It makes me think of many things. Of a vision a friend had, regarding the numbers 3 and 6. Of the madness of the impossible staring you in the face. Of restlessness, confusion, frustration, and the certainly that you're going insane, because logic is falling on the side of the bat-shit-insane.
Perhaps this persistent doubt is a safety mechanism. Perhaps, while it drives us mad, it's the only thing keeping us alive. So, perhaps, we should let that doubt be. It's a good thing, maddening as it is.
I dunno. I'm thinking on it. . .