First, the
lovely and recuperating Anchoress included this
Eric Hoffer quote in
her post yesterday, and it reminded me of some of the frequent moments of cognitive dissonance in college (and after):
“The weakness of the soul is proportionate to the number of truths that must be kept from it.”
theocracy and
madmaggie, the following from
today's post by Gagdad Bob, over at
One Cosmos:
"I use the word "theologian" in its orthodox sense, not as someone who just writes or thinks about God, but who knows God; there can really be no valid theology without mysticism and vice versa"
Maggie, I immedietly thought of that proffessor at UBC who warned you to be wary of mysticism, because it was "too heady", and how utterly aghast we were at that view. We understand that thre is no theology without a rooting in mysticism, that theology is, essentially, thinking upon the mystical experience, and attempt to understand in logical terms the direct experience of Logos. I think that in many ways, this is the root of the problems with contemporary theologies-- too many have become writings about writings, thought constructs upon the constructs of others. The mysical experience, because it does not automatically conform to Logic, is taken out of the equation by those who fail to realize that this is as useful as depriving a tree of its hidden, unseen roots. Anyway, I thought you might relate to that quote. ..