A Season for All Things

Apr 10, 2007 09:27

Life's a resolving dissonance
War is a symptom of Hope
Some people maintain "All is Nothing"
But they live at the end of a rope.

Milk chocolate is sweet to the senses
But dark is a deeper delight
Sweet without bitter is folly
Stars only shine in the night

Sun without rainstorm is desert
Rain without sunlight, The Flood
Freedom may take of our children
And sometimes needs drink of our blood

Blood freely given's no burden
Life from the bleeding of Love
'Tis soldiers carry that Cross now,
Not bleating, cowardly doves.

War is no sign we're abandoned
No less, Our Lord ne'er was here 
God is a lover of foxholes
He laughs just to lighten our fear

He holds up the widows and children
He, too, knows the loss of a Son
But Love knows the Sacrifice worthy
When tyrrany's beaten and done.

[*yes, I edited a line. I hadn't been happy with it, and finally figured how to make it work better.*}


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