Jan 23, 2005 01:47
Wow. It is snowing like nothing I've ever seen. of course, usually when it snows like this, I'm nice and warm in my bed, and not trying desparately to get into my driveway.
yep, that's right, I had an event for the Emerging Leader Program until 12:30 tonight. I should have crashed on someone's couch at BC, but no! I decided to try to drive home. The roads weren't too bad, until I hit my driveway. I could NOT get in. Kept trying and trying. Fortunately, some guys from the city of Newton were plowing the parking lot of the public library across the street. So they tried helping me push. No luck. shake some salt, do some shoveling. no luck. Try to back up, and then rev it in. no luck (wheels spinning like crazy). Finally, I am able to actually back up, the plow pushes snow in, and i get past the curb.
Now, of course, I'm in the only driveway to my parking lot (a lot for 4 houses). There's at least a foot of snow deep, and I'm maybe 35 - 50 (bad at estimating) feet from my actual space. No way I'll be able to get through that. So I'm just stuck in the driveway, until some of the ground is plowed. Fortunately, out landlord is the one who plows, and his plow truck is INSIDE the driveway, so I'm not blocking that. But I left a note, inside a plastic bottle tied to the side mirror of the truck explaining why I'm only that far in.
Oy, I should have left the ELP thing early - I had a good excuse, but I was having fun.
Oh, and did I mention that it's suppossed to be bad until 1 p.m. tomorrow?