I got sprung from work early today, so I figured I'd take some time and actually update this thing.
My only real New Year's Resolution this year is to try and eat healthy, exercise on a somewhat regular basis, and lose some damn weight. I'll be 39 this year, and I'm the first one to admit food is my drug of choice. I would like to head into my 40's with the good health I've been blessed with thus far. So far, I'm off to a decent start. I've lost four pounds this week, and I got to the gym twice. I wanted to go again last night, but the damn township was using it for something (the gym I go to in in a Community Center for my township).
And I say all that and tonight I won't be thinking of dieting since Bill and I are going out to eat at a swanky restaurant near us...LOL. Bill's boss gave him a gift certificate to this place, so we're using it tonight. It's been awhile since we went to a really nice place to eat, so I'm looking forward to it. :)
I'm a bit worried about my Mom...she has a nasty-assed virus she can't seem to shake, and at 70 she's no spring chicken. I'm not used to her being this ill, and needless to say I don't like it. I'm going to go there after yet another dentist appointment tomorrow to do some laundry and other things for her around the house. If she isn't feeling better by Monday, she's going back to the doctor.
This weekend I also plan to book the hotel for the weekend
mcmahoniac and I will be in NYC when she invades the States again. :D I'm really looking forward to getting to hang out with her again, and of course WM, baby!
And I need to get myself looking half decent to go out tonight, so off to do that.