Jul 28, 2003 00:10
so yeah i havent updated in a while. oh well. i finished up my job friday. im just now realizing that i will have basically nothing to do for over 3 weeks. we are going to kerrville tuesday-saturday for our family reunion. im actually looking forward to getting away from the tv, the computer, etc. and just chillin and maybe reading a few books. i was gonna try to visit a couple grad schools in this time, but im getting the idea that youre not really supposed to plan a visit until you get accepted into the school. so yeah, whatever. so im watching all this lance armstrong hoopla that is going on, and while he is an amazing person, an amazing athlete, etc etc, he is still riding a bike. i celebrate him, but cycling just doesnt seem that great to me. so yeah spruce and jackie got married saturday. people from church. great wedding actually. i had a good time. oh yeah and me and karen hung out with this old friend from HS who is now a mother and married, and she is like yeah guess what my sister is pregnant too! her sister is 15. 15 years old how horrible is that. apparently her and her bf thought they would get to see each other more if htey had a baby. what the heck is this world coming to. and then theres jose lima. its lima time again, except this time its in KC. strange days people, strange days. saw the movie basic tonight on dvd. we have this slow-motion function on our dvd player and me and cale played this part over and over again where this guy throws up blood. it was very cool. gosh you can tell how little i have to do by how much im writing. this is amazing! well, im out.