
Sep 14, 2003 15:46

so i've been feeling better now. yay.
we went to traci's and brian's last night. traci makes a most exellent zombie. we watched day of the dead and she showed us which one was her. they also used her real scream. it ruled.
nik did spend a lot of time in the other room talking to candy brown, which i found slightly rude, but whatever.
at work i got to watch patricia sign a bride up and do the whole schpeal. i've realized that there's a lot to remember and i'm now very nervous. i have a horrible memory, so i think i'm going to write a lot down.
i'm superpissed at sara. she hasn't called megan and i back because she's mad because megan and i hang out. wtf?? we can't hang out with her if she doesn't call us!! she told me she'd call me last week and i waited and she didn't and i just called her 4 days in a row and she hasn't called me back! megan's been calling her like crazy, too. she even called her and left a message as keanu reeves (funniest thing every) and she STILL didn't call us back!!
WTF!!!!!!! we had to find this out via randy1 (who actually called megan and left his house to hang out with us. nice!), but i'm not supposed to say anything. i'm going to keep calling her this week and fuck it after that. don't bitch about us not hanging out with you if you can't even call back and say you're pissed.
god, stupid drama!!! i hate you drama!!!
man, i had such a headach when i got up this morning. i woke up at noon and tried to sleep it off until 2. that didn't work, so i took some migrane stuff and laid on the couch until 3:30. i think i'll take a shower, eat, and do some reading for class. nik gets out at 7:30. maybe we can get dinner and then watch us some adult swim.
we went to bn yesterday to find books on pirates (of which they have none, except the one megan already lent him). so, i used my gc that meg got me for my bday to buy a book about the underground city under edinburgh. nice. we are so going to tour that next time i'm in the uk.
fuck, i should email claire back. i miss claire and sarah. i want to go to england now and see them. randy2 should get on moving there so i can visit him :)
nik said he wants to go with me. supersweet! too bad annie_stella won't be in ireland still, because i'd go see her, too. she sounds like she's having a fucking ball and i'm so jealous!!
if i go back to chester and they are still offering classes in tuscany this summer, i'm there in a heartbeat. someone come visit me there!! :)
that reminds me, i need more negetive holders. i should see if apex is open on sundays....

randy1, work, randy2, sarah, sleep, megan, chester, traci, brian, anne, zombies, england, books, patricia, claire, sara, nik

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