go me for feeling better.

Dec 31, 2003 02:46

right, so i don't hate nik. i want to clear that up. we talked. it's ok. i'm not waiting for him.
i haven't cried 3 days. go me.
that'll probably break my streak.

the christmas cold i had has left, but i now have a very itchy rash. it's hard not to scratch.

today i went to an arcade with stefan, his bro adam, and jon and dave (two of "the freshman"). it was rad. they danced-danced and i played soul caliber and tekken3. rawk on. then we got chinese food at this place called wok wok. seriously. it was awsome.
i enjoy nights with boys talking about 80s and early 90s music and anime. those are the things that a good life is made of.

now i need new years plans. i wish my parents went out, because then i'd just stay home and have the house to myself.
i can go to stefan's, but that means driving to keene, or i can go with megan to silent matt and his sara's for her birthday. i'll have to call her tomorrow.
all i want to do is be at college in a dorm drunk, like i used to be. is that a bad thing to want?

i need to call my sara and justine tomorrow. mussn't forget.

i hate that i said i'd work tomorrow. it's only 4.5 hours. i need the money, but i need the day off.

i should sleep.

keene, stefan, jon, christmas, justine, work, sleep, megan, sara, dave, nik

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