So I have been dating a wonderful woman who has every seeming intention of happyness down a mutual path for both of us and we are having lotsa fun together!
I had a bad spill at the track in June due to some logistics and bullshit, but have been plugging away at making my trackbitch happy for October when I go to the track again and avail myself of my own mental spectre's!
I finally got off my arse and finished joining to participate with a group that had long time previously invited me within their ranks. I am happy to be once again social with the McGroynes whom I feel quite comfy and at home with.
My Bday has come and gone once again and my GF made her damndest efforts to make sure every length was taken on her part to make it a good one. She had the best cheesecake in the world that I have ever tasted shipped Fed-Ex same-day-delivery from Juniors in Brooklyn. I was melting with every bite in my mouth as it was every bit as good as I remember it being before. She went through the efforts of organizing folks to gather at various points through various groups and points of contact to celebrate. We had a lovely time bouncing like a buncha kids on Hopity Hops of the adult variety after drunkennes was applied. Was a silly good time indeed!
All the while we have been extremely shorthanded and swamped at work, which has been uber stressfull and left me with little time for much during those hours and often left me drained feeling and not much energy left to do all that I want to do!
I am leaving for L.A. on the 20th to visit Kim and Bellz & Jody and many other folks out there until the 25th. I am also going to Vegas in October after the track days. I am looking forward to the time away on these trips to go to all these places and not be at work and putting various parts of life on hold! Just for no other reason that to get a small breather and distract my brain from the normality of everyday.
so this is in brief...there is much much much more...but I can't remember it all, and so I will close as of this point!