Jun 06, 2004 20:44
hey i should be studing right now but aaaa to bad becuase im going to do my best so there all the damn teachers that i had this year and i hope i dont have to see them next year *(if you know what i mean)* hahahahahaha
right now i am watching the "tonys" and its pretty cool someday i hope i get to be on the tonys next year i am going to try to be in drama if i get in which i probebly becuaswe i dont want a big part but if i get one i will try to get it done you know what??? i hate periods i mean kids have been forced to use them that im getting sick as shit (and shit is pretty sick) that im not going to use them in my livejoural so you have to guess where i would put one i mean come on its pretty easy
Tomarrow is the firt three finals and im feeling pretty good becuase tommarow is MATH SCIENCE PHY ED so i hope i do good and hope that my friends do good too so good luck freinds and have a good day
Random mood---surprised