Title: Ice of Oblivion Chapter 15/24
zoomzoomzoomzoo Fandom/Genre: SPN AU Romance, Drama, Action
Pairing (s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: T
Word Count: ~82,000
Warnings: Underage, Mild Sexual Situation, Violence
Summary: AU. In a time of great tragedy in the lands of Mamot, the human race and the angel race are forced to form an unbreakable union that will bind them together for twenty seven lifetimes in order to stop the uprising of the demon race. In bargain they offer Castiel, one of the most powerful angels in the entire world to marry Dean Winchester, the young crown prince of the human world. The typically detached Castiel winds up falling in love with the Prince. The only problem is his brothers don’t expect Dean to live through the war. Will Castiel stay and support the man he loves despite the heartbreak that might accompany his passing or will he fall back in line with his brothers, becoming numb to all human emotions once more?
Chapter 15
Castiel never knew what it was like to see red until that day.
People often referenced to it in books and in every day conversation; like when they see their cat clawing one of their favorite sweater or when they catch their wife with another man. He never knew what it meant and he didn’t think any human being could get angry enough to completely change the genetic makeup of their retina’s light energy so that they can only see red.
But, now he knew. He knew it wasn’t as literal as he liked to believe. He would have rather seen everything around him turn as red as blood because of his anger rather than the vision he actually saw.
What he saw was not human, what he saw was not angel, it was beyond demon. He saw the demon with his arms still wrapped around Dean’s convulsing body as something so much less than what it was. He saw it as something dead but not only dead, massacred, banished, completely destroyed. Something that is no longer a demon but a carcass that even after its body decomposes to bone still twitching and squirting blood from Castiel’s “seeing red”.
The feelings scared him; they scared him so much that he contemplated going back home at that moment, holing himself in his room and locking every memory of Dean away until he felt ready again.
But, he was ready and seeing Dean here only confirmed that.
Before he knew what was happening, Castiel was on top of the demon with a blood-drenched knife in his hand, stabbing him over and over. The crimson blood stained his eyelids and his face as it splattered out of the demon’s veins; Castiel knew he was covered in it - demon blood - and for some reason it didn’t disgust him. In fact, it made him feel more powerful, madder and angrier than ever before.
He was going to continue his ministrations when he heard his teammates calling out to him from below not to mention the various demon-like shrieks. The demon below him was long dead and Castiel was wasting so much time.
Castiel gasped and turned quickly to Dean. He was doubled over with his arms covering his stab wound while small trickles of blood fell from between them he moaned and groaned. Castiel threw himself off of the demon and crawled over to Dean; the boy - man, Castiel reminded himself- was slipping in and out of consciousness. That was a bad sign; they needed to get him away from there.
He scooped Dean up into his arms and held him close to his chest; he was significantly heavier than he was the last time Castiel carried him - of course he was roughly eight at the time - but the new confirmation only solidified how disconnected he was from Dean and how long ten years really was for humans.
Dean moaned brokenly when Castiel carried him; Castiel figured he was probably trying to protest but he paid him no attention. They had to get out of there immediately, with Castiel holding onto Dean he was virtually useless in battle and Dean was fading away, flickering out like a candle. He pulled the man closer to himself and jogged down the stairs.
The six people below them were shooting and stabbing sporadically and Castiel noted, with a sigh of relief, that they all seemed to still be alive and uninjured. If any one of them were that would highly complicate them getting out of there.
“I have Dean,” Castiel stated while coming down the stairs; he could see the immediate recognition and concern fall over Luke’s features. He wavered in his shooting for only a second before firing aggressively again.
“Okay, I have an idea on how to get us out but we have to get on the ground floor,” Luke exclaimed.
Castiel nodded; as he waited there for the people below him to kill the demons he observed his betrothed and former friend. His face was caked in blood, in fact his entire body was bloody and whether or not it was his blood or something else’s remained to be seen. If it did all belong to Dean then it was obvious that he didn’t have much time. His eyes were half-opened although despite that, he seemed unsure of his surroundings and continuously moaned out indecipherable questions until his eyes drifted closed and his body fell limp. Castiel panicked and looked back at his team; there were not as many demons left but he could hear more coming.
“Luke, we need to get Dean out of here, now!” Castiel snapped.
Luke nodded quickly and put his gun away while reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small blue grenade and bit off the top. “Cover me,” He yelled over the gun shots.
Castiel watched him run to the ground floor, as far away from the demons as he could, and toss a grenade to the nearest and weakest looking wall. The lagging time of the grenade was painfully long and in that amount of time, they could all see more demons walking toward them - much more than before - with smirks on their faces. Amongst them he could feel a wave of energy that was so familiar that it made his skin crawl.
The grenade exploded with a bang and a small part of the wall collapsed. The demons tailing them stopped in their tracks and the eight of them wasted no time running toward the hole. They allowed Castiel to go first because of his holding Dean and they all followed soon afterwards. They all ran toward the previous hole they made in the castle walls.
It was the strangest thing. There were no demons tailing them as they made their way out of the castle. Even the ones outside waited with grim expressions, none of them so much as twitched while the group of humans and angels ducked through the wall and ran back in the direction of the forest. When they were far away enough, Castiel handed Dean over to Trent, who immediately went to work on his injuries.
Surprisingly though, Castiel couldn’t focus on Dean’s health or well-being as long as his senses stayed glued to the fortress almost a mile away. It couldn’t be, could it?
He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Anna standing there with a troubled look on her face; almost as troubled as his own.
“You felt it too?”
Anna nodded. “Yes.”
Castiel sighed and nodded back to her. “Lucifer…”