Oct 23, 2004 13:01
THE ACTs...yeah dont ever ever ever take them!!!!!! omg i TOTALLY BOMBED THE SCIENCE PART OF IT....i was on number 22 when they called 5 MINUTES LEFT and there are 40 QUESTIONS IN TOTAL!!!!!!! omg i flipped! the english and reading are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!!!!!! the math was well okay, but the science...wtf?!?!?!?! whoever thinks that we can finish 40 questions with allllllll those science graphs and reading in 35 minutes...then they ARE FREAKING STUPID AND HIGH ON I DONT KNOW WUT!!!!! geez....and i seriously thought that i could count on this test...yeah i was highly mistaken and now i want to cry....lol...ok maybe not cry but kill the ppl who invented the science portion of the ACTs...sacdjsyfuduueduy
ok yeah SATs are MUCH EASIER....i got a 1310 on it, a 640 in reading and a 670 in math, but i was aiming for a 1350, cuz i HAD AN AIM, and i wanted to reach it and i didnt :-(...well thats why life is diai7dewri7s sometimes..
ok i am feeling depressed(well not really) but annoyed byt this ACT test so imma go like eat chocolate and get fat....later