Dec 24, 2004 19:12
I hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve.
Blah, I don't want to eat anything. I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fat and gross......!!
Ha...I JUST REMEMBERED the time when I first came to Middle school and told EVERYONE my name was Marblelaine, not Sarah, cuz I thought Sarah was the UGLIEST name evvvveeerr and plus I wanted to look I would go around telling people my name was Marblelaine, and the only reason why it says Sarah on my records is because they confused me with another girl. Yeah, and i would even make teachers call me Marblelaine..haha I got that name out of a book, it was a name of a little
ok yeah i was one craazy girl when i was little.
College is still driving me crazy. I really want to know which college I am going to. I feel so lost and confused.
ANyways....hope you guys get w/e u want for christmas!!
and Alex, definitely we should get together!! haha sex tips!!! <33 u!