Sep 29, 2009 11:26
Alright, kids, remember how I'm in love with my nose and tend to think it is the best nose in the history of noses? Yes? Good. Keep that in mind while you read the description of the book I'm about to read.
"Alan Blair, the hero of Wake Up, Sir!, is a young, loony writer with numerous problems of the mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and physical variety. He's very good at problems. But luckily for Alan, he has a personal valet named Jeeves, who does his best to sort things out for his troubled master. And Alan does find trouble wherever he goes. He embarks on a perilous and bizarre road journey, his destination being an artists' colony in Saratoga Springs. There Alan encounters a gorgeous femme fatale who is in possession of the most spectacular nose in the history of noses. Such a nose can only lead to a wild disaster for someone like Alan, and Jeeves tries to help him, but . . .
"Well, read the book and find out!"
So. Yes. Noses.
Well, I suppose I should get out of bed and prepare myself for the day. After all, I do have one class on Tuesdays. It starts at one. Jealous much?