May 01, 2009 22:10
Well, finals week is upon us (well, me) once again. I've got a shit load of studying to do.
Let's see my schedule for the next week.
Tomorrow: Study genetics, write two essays for my environmental science final.
Sunday: Study more genetics and environmental science.
Monday: More environmental science and anthropology to study. 5:30PM is my anthro exam.
Tuesday: Wake up way too fucking early for my environmental science exam at 7:30 in the AM. Study genetics through the afternoon until the exam at 5:30PM.
Wednesday: Start studying for physics.
Thursday: Keep studying for physics, start cleaning up my room and packing. Maybe study some jazz history while I'm at it.
Friday: Wake up too fucking early again for physics exam at 7:30 in the goddamn morning. Make sure my shit's packed after that exam and study more jazz 'til the exam at 2:45PM. After that's done, load up my shit and go time should take approximately 2.5 hours.
So that's my plan...and I'm going to hate every second except the few after you turn in the finals and never have to care about that class ever again.