Are you ready? Do you feel it?

Aug 31, 2010 14:35

Life's beginning to settle back down for me, ironically at the exact same time I would have been heading back into the school I worked at in London for another school year. I have my housing arrangements sorted for a couple of months at least (gonns stay with the people who hosted with me for a few months while I look for a more permanent place) and I'll be getting my Mass License and car soon (a 2001 Ford Explorer, not that I actually need anything that big).

Hoping to start arranging time off when I get the car so I can actually go places and visit people. I've been here over a month, and I still haven't made it back down to NYC to visit my brother. Thankfully, beau Bill AND friend from home, Dawn  visited me last weekend, so that made me feel better. It was hard saying goodbye, but my mom's out next month, so I'm looking forward to that.

More soon. Gotta head to work!

- Kev.

robyn - dancing on my own

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