Nov 08, 2006 20:14
Well, I had my interview today for 5.7.9 which went very well. The girls there seem really nice and the manager already likes me a lot! The only thing I dislike about it so far is my pay. I won't be getting paid as much as I used to, but apparently in a month, the pay will go up a few dollars so it will be about the same if not more than I was making at Genuardi's. I honestly don't care at this point with what job I have, I just want a job damnit. I will be working more so I will probably be making about the same anyway, so I honestly don't care. Loot is loot! The good thing though is I will get discounts on the clothes and I shop there a lot so woot! I will probably eventually have to find another place to work with better pay over the summer just to make more money to save up.
This is also my last weekend at Genuardi's and they been begging me to stay. Dave asked me to work once a week and I was like "Haha, no." It got better from there, Rob comes back while I'm on my lunch to give me the whole "Your so wonderful" speech. I rolled my eyes when he mentioned I was a "hard worker" and then he said he wasn't being sarcastic. It was such bull shit and then he tried to make it sound like if I didn't like my shift that I could have talked to him and got it fixed. Yeah, when hell freezes over buddy. No one in hell wants to work at 4 in the morning. They made me come in with a fever because no one could cover my shift, what makes them think anyone would want to take my place? I found it amusing how when I mentioned no one is responsible enough to even do their own shifts he replied "well people have to learn then." He never gave me credit ever for anything I have done there and he can't say anything to keep me now. They must think I won't find another job because they kept saying that if I ever wanted to come back I could, but boo-yah I already have one. Take that mother fuckers.
Other then that, nothing special or exciting has happened. I didn't vote, but I took McDev to vote so she could. :) It was funny because we stood in a line for about 15 minutes to accomplish a 2 second task. It was exciting because at East they have this compass with the Viking head in the middle and I mentioned to Mcdev how in grade school they had this saying to remember the directions which went: Never(North) Eat(East) Soggy(South) Waffles(West). Then we were trying to think of new things to say for the little saying and I came up with: Neon Elephants Suck Walnuts. Not exactly the most promising saying, but it was amusing.
After that, I went back to Dub C with McDev and saw the whole crew and went to the Circle K meeting! Yay! It was fun because Sara was really Angela and Angela was Sara. I also got to see Kim, Chrissy, and Jess, who I haven't seen in such a long time. It was nice and then I went home.
Now I'm trying to distract myself from studying because I can't sit for a long time to study, but I probably should go back and do it anyway.
My b-day is in one more week! Yay!