#3296: Cal is the bestest friend ever

Mar 01, 2009 23:09

My lovely parenthetical mentioned a while back that she had a surprise in store for me, to be claimed when I wished. And for various reasons I was in need of a treat today, so I asked for my surprise, anticipating some nice fannish treat on the order of an awesome ficlet from her.

It was a nice fannish treat, all right.

DUDES, she only went and bought me TICKETS FOR ASYLUM \0/ \0/ \0/

Not just con tickets, but also flights to the con, and a room booking!


I was totally resigned to not going this year, because I am really skint, and given that I'm short on time as well there was just no way that I could justify it. And here she's not only gone and paid for EVERYTHING but also bought flights which will enable me to avoid wasting two days sitting on trains. *loves on her like whoa*

I get Jensen and Misha and a whole weekend of hanging out with my braintwin!!!!

Seriously, it's like she's waging some kind of Cold War of friendship awesome. She just keeps upping the ante on awesome friendship things. I don't even know how I could ever think of anything even half as cool as the brilliant things she does for me.

Fangirly squee here we come! *dances around wildly*

asylum, love, joy, cal

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