Actual NaNo progress \0/

Nov 07, 2007 00:32

NaNo is actually going! I had kind of a bad start, because I've been really tired and manically busy the past few days, and my wordcount was looking very sorry for itself. I was just getting myself into the slough of despond, and glumly predicting I would never manage to finish, when lo and behold, actual inspiration struck! I've written 2.5k tonight, which brings me almost up to the target for this point. I have to go away for the next few days, as it's my mum's birthday and I have Duties (of the going to a spa and being horribly pampered variety \0/). But I feel like I've made enough progress now to be able to pick up when I get back, even though there will be four or five days when I can't write. It's such a relief to be finally moving on it *dances*.

How is everyone else doing? I hope you are all enjoying it :D

In other news of happiness, I had a meeting with my supervisor this morning and she was pleased with the writing i had given her. We have worked out a plan of attack for the next section of writing, and while imeans there's quite a lot of work looming in my future, I feel pretty positive about it. I've pretty much been Emo Girl for the past little while, so it feels good to be back on track!

ALSO, I just realised that I never did a GIP to show off my shiny new icon! It is one of 4 lovely, lovely ones made for me by oxoniensis, because she is awesome <3 Thank you, darling!

And now to bed. It's half twelve, omg. Work are going to love me tomorrow!


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