Works and stuffs

Sep 11, 2013 22:18

First day back at work after my trip. I love my job and am glad to have it, but ye gods, too much to do. I have six different 'summer' tasks still unfinished and now we're gearing up for teaching to start and yiiiikes.

In much more exciting news, I got into work to find copies of my book waiting for me! My book that I wrote! It has a pretty cover with my name on it and everything. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED.

I keep pondering off and on about making a new module on 'the depraved child' and looking at books which feature 'bad' child characters - that is, books written specifically for children and young adults, not adult literature. There's kid!Tom Riddle in HP, of course, and Anne Fine's The Tulip Touch, and there's a book called Looking for J.J. (I forget the author) which is about a child murderer. And if I were to expand into American texts there are any number of titles on school shootings. Any recs for other good titles? I'm thinking that it would only cover books written since the beginning of the 1990s, to fit in with some general ideas I'm having about how to structure it.

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work, children's literature

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