OTW membership drive!

Apr 21, 2012 23:13

It's the OTW April Membership Drive! I've been involved with the OTW in one way or another for about 5 years now, and you guys... wow! Over that five years there's been the AO3 and Fanlore and an academic journal and a DMCA exemption and a fanzine archive and so much more! I think it's amazing, and I still can't quite believe how much has been achieved by our little band of volunteers sitting at home in their pyjamas (a surprising amount of the time *g*).

All of these amazing projects are the result of a LOT of hard work by said volunteers, who are awesomesauce. However, they ALSO need financial support, and the April Drive is an excellent opportunity to toss a few dollars in the hat to help keep everything up and running. Even a couple of dollars is a big help when you add it all together, and for $10 you get membership of the OTW and you can vote in the elections and help shape the direction of the org. If you can, please donate!

If you have Feelings about the OTW and you want to help us target our work and figure out how to do a better job, you can take the OTW Community Survey.

I love this org and I really want the fruits of its labour to stick around for a long, long time. I've donated a lot of time over the last 5 years, and what money I can spare - if you have a few dollars to give, please do!

\0/ OTW

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