Today was most awesome. My sister had her first ever riding competition and placed second in her group! She's only been riding for about six months, so we really didn't expect her to do so well. She was so pleased and excited, and my mum cried. :D Riding is definitely the best thing she has ever been involved in, and we were super-lucky to find a riding centre that specialises in riding for the disabled, where she can really get stuck in with a little bit of extra support. I'm SO PROUD. :D
Then I came home just in time for the AO3 code deploy, which included SUBSCRIPTIONS! Excitiiiing! I'm at
Zooey_Glass and fandoms in the immediate queue iare likely to include Supernatural (though I have been a bit, ahem, inactive for the last while.) You'll need to log in to see the subscribe button.
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