
Sep 21, 2010 11:37

Help me, oh dear flist!

I am becoming increasingly aware that I desperately need a decent diary/calendar. As of next week, I'll be juggling three jobs, one of which is an admin post for a research project which will involve organising conferences. So, I really really need to keep all my commitments and deadlines straight. Ideally I want an electronic calendar which will sync to a mobile device.

So! Any suggestions for good calendars? I've been using Google calendar, but while it has some quite nifty features it also has some incredibly annoying ones. I like the fact that I can access it from anywhere, I can have multiple calendars for different commitments, I can get a list of stuff on my agenda, and I can easily get reminders for stuff I have to do. I hate the fact that there is no way to copy and paste an event into multiple timeslots, or even copy a whole week of events, and the fact that the interface is fiddly and annoying. If it's the best option out there then fine, but if anyone knows of an awesome alternative that would be neat.

Regarding mobile devices - I have an iPod touch to try out, and if I like it I might buy an iPhone, but am not wedded to this idea at all. The idea of having just the one device to carry around (instead of a phone and a PDA) appeals to me, and being able to get internet is a big bonus, but the expense of the iPhone not so much. I also have a long-standing and passionate hate for iTunes - I currently use Floola to manage all the music on my iPod, which saves me many hours of rage. I could get a Blackberry, which would be a lot cheaper, but am not sure. I know some of my flist use other devices, so would like to hear what works for you, especially if you use them for calendar purposes.

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technology, help me o flist

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