Title: Bento Beacon
heraclesFandom: Sailor Moon
Claim: Ali/Seijuro & En/Natsumi
Rating: PG
Prompt: Set #3, Envy
Disclaimer: All characters and settings are on a short loan.
Notes: In case it isn't clear, this is a short drabble set during Seijuro and Makoto's "date" at the park in the Sailor Moon R, episode #55
Word Count: #231
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
-- William Penn, Some Fruits of Solitude
If asked, he would have claimed their meeting place a neutral one. Its proximity to the school, his home, and its vacancy were all considerations. His thoughts of En were interrupted by the chatty amazon woman at his side.
Hunched over chow like pigs at their trough, Seijuro listened intently to the giant perched at his elbow. He blinked away her giggles, cocked a brow at her culinary customs, and all the while nibbled on the corner of her rice balls; which paled in comparison to the squid-shaped sausage.
The tree behind which she hid was unnecessary. This much was clear. Like a whittler dedicated to his carving, jealousy directed her nails to etch her grievance in the credulous bark.
One by one, green-eyed speculations marched into consciousness-in her mind’s eye she foresaw several evenings shared by the pair on which she spied, each scenario more perverted than the last.
The harsh ebb of her heart’s stormy undercurrent provided a familiar beacon. A green blaze reflected in the rough current of her spite-what was once solid ground was suddenly a sinking ship with no bailer.
If asked, he would have claimed his current companion an acquaintance. Her full figure, foreign food, and the chill inside him that nipped at his heart were exemplary of his indifference. His thoughts of En were interrupted by a familiar green glow.
Check out my other stories for this claim at my
prompt table!