Sep 16, 2006 09:11
Last night - over 24 hours after strawberries, so not consistent with my other food allergy patterns - I had some hives. I attributed them to laying on the carpet while talking to my sister on the phone. Strange.
I woke up with a rash on my legs. Again, unusual.
...and, after shower, I have a major rash/hive flareup on my neck and a few spots on my arms and trunk. I itch like hell.
I'm still convinced that it is something systemic rather than contact (as in, "You must've gotten into something you're allergic to - some people are just really sensitive."), as it affects areas not exposed to free-floating allergens. I can't think of anything that I ate yesterday, however, that I would be allergic to or developed an allergy to this quickly.
All I know is that I need to be at work in 40 minutes and I have blotches and hives on my neck.
*eye roll*
For those keeping track - Storm's first Rally O trial is one week from tomorrow. I just downloaded the final schedule, which makes me feel better.