My Goodies. Not my goodies!

Dec 20, 2007 15:25

Ealier this week I had an appointment with my primary doctor. I never see her, because primary doctors don't know shit; I just needed a medical clearance for my upcoming hospital stay.

She humored me anyway, and I was given a routine check-up. All was fine and boring, until she laid me down to check my breasts for lumps. I can't even begin to count all the doctors and nurses that have seen my girls; Mary Kate and Ashley (Mary Kate is a little smaller) Not to meniton the others I don't know about while I"m knocked out unconscious.** They could be proping me up and taking pictures for all I know. Mary Kate and Ashley could be all over the internet!

However, whenever exposed, they are treated lovingly and with care; deservingly so, being the pristine beings that they are. Dr. Alam doesn't agree. I don't know if it was jealousy or what, but my breast exam turned into a vicious police pat-down. Bitch beat the crap out of me! My boobies!

What ever happened to light presses around the areola? This lady was pressing down on me with her palms, as if giving my titties CPR. My boobs are all I have and I prefer for them to be left undamaged!

Otherwise I like Dr. Alam, but thank God she's not my gynocologist. My vajayjay DEMANDS respect . (I'm not being too dramatic, that's the way I gotta have it. - Ciara, duh!)

** It's very easy to get to second base with me. If youfancy a flash all you gotta to do is be/come a doctor or nurse. I'm not forcing a profession on anyone here, all those years of medical school are unnecessary for a good grope. If you're desperate and creative, steal a labcoat or some scrubs from your dental hygenist. Then when you see me, all you have to do is say, "Can I see your boobs?"

December 21 is tomorrow
I hope to be home before or on Christmas, but might not be. So I'm going to take the opprotunity now and say --

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Happy Holidaaay s!

* * * *

My little sister writes me Post-It notes like this:

Then falls asleep while writing things like this:


doctors, tmi, angelina, xmas

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