I have been deprived of human interaction for so long (three months and counting, ugh!) that I'm beginning to dream in AIM conversations - since AIM is the only resource I have to stay in contact with my friends. It's my entire social life, basically.
Last Tuesday, I started a new treatment which will continue for the span of five weeks. It's an everyday/twice-a-day type thing, but the treatment itself only lasts about 15 minutes. No changing. No IVs. No nothing. I'm so use to invasive types of procedures; I'm practically on vacation here.
The only downside is that the center is in Miami, so I'm literally spending four hours a day in a car driving there and back and there and back. (Not to mention the super waves of nausea and headaches that kick in towards of the end of the week. Fuck that, at least it ain't chemo.)
Anyway, I'd rather focus on the real problem at hand; I have been mouse-less for about a month.
In May I got a brandnew laptop but connected the mouse from my old desktop computer to use when needed, never thinking I had to buy a new one. Now, the plastic rodent died on me. And I miss it.
Whether I'm browsing the web or writing on Word, the cursor constantly disappears - which leads to a couple of minutes of violent tapping on that ridiculous touchpad that I hate with a passion. It leaves me with a weird sensation on my fingertips that's most likely the beginning stages of finger cancer.
More importantly, this means no MSpaint. My "art" is at stake.
But I still find ways to cheer myself up. You just gotta ask yourself,