truth covered in security

Jul 15, 2007 20:18

The Sunday Seven

1. Somebody please notify the media; because I do not give a fuck about David and Victoria Beckham (or their Beckham babies, for that matter). This is a British Invasion that should be stopped immediately. Take note Mr. President, or better yet Barack Obama, because then you'll get a sure vote from me in 2008. (Finally, a candidate that promises something productive).
For my own sanity, I'm not going to allow it. No matter how many times Ryan Seacrest force feeds me irrelevant facts about what kind of sunscreen Posh uses or how Becks prefers redheads over blondes to cheat on his wife with-- I"m gonna keep puking that shit up. I dont need it; nobody needs it. IT LEADS TO CANCER, OBESITY,AND HEART DISEASE!
Do you really think David Beckham is going to do anything for soccer in America? (No.) Do you really think Victoria Beckham is anythign other than an extra-terrestrial impersonator, that had little or nothing to do being in the Spice Girls? (No.) The couple don't even havea sex tape, therefore they're no fun and obviously not cut out for America. So do me a favor, and go back to where you  came from and stay there or I'm calling immigration services-- even if it's on my TDD phone.

2. I have been anxious all week, and for a variety of reasons. Tursday was nothing but stress, frustration and a really bad cafeteria cookie. There were about five hours of waiting in various waiting rooms and later an admissions scare, but luckily I ended up with a send-off, along with a prescription for antibiotics.
They kept moving us from one room to another, only to have us wait longer- as if the slight difference in atmosphere would change our attitude or distract us from why we were there in the first place. (Ooh, this room has a window on the right side, unlike the previous room with the window on the left.)
Minutes turned into hours, and not all rooms had cellphone reception. I was left iwth only my imagintion and I would chuckle at the thought of me opening the door and yelling into the hallway, "MY WALLET'S GONE! MY WALLET'S GONE!" but there was that chance of people taking the accusation seriously, when it's just a simple Seinfeld reference.

3. I am determined to become the first deafie to win $1 million on FOX's Don't Forget the Lyrics! That shit's super easy; people are retarded. Easy money in my pocket baby, will do wonders for my self-esteem too. 
"What you say about his company is what ... you say about society!" lock in those lyrics, motherfucker. 
Plus, wayne Brady's the host. "Wayne Brady makes Chloe Colon look like Dr. Dre", another life mission, accomplished.

4. The date is set, August 10, I get half of it back. I"m hoping and praying that two months and ten days is enough time for me fully recover, because I need to be 100% for Sam's wedding. I need to be there, period. It worries me that there is a probable (rather than possible) chance that I will be unable to attend my best friend's wedding due to stupid shit that  I'm forced to live with.

5. But if I'm allowed to serve my duties as a bridesmaid, this is what I'm wearing. My titties are gonna look so good in that. Hopefully, they'll be a distraction from everything else and I'll get bombed and laid.

6. Before the end of this year, I will start chemotherapy. For over a decade, I've been put into situations that should've forced me to put my life into perspective, yet nothing has had it's affect on me, not even now. But I've come to realize, that I truly have nothing to live for, besides watching Angelina grow up. So it's a good thing she's here, or else I wouldn't be.This is a fact.

7. When I said that my little sister is the only reason I'm alive, I forgot to mention Pasha too, because he is a stud. A stud with moves. And there's always Bret Michaels's Rock of Love to look forward to, because I love 80's hairbands has-beens..and skanks. So I guess there's a little morehope for me than I thought. p.s.

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deaf, doctors, youtube, tv, beckhams, samantha's wedding

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