If you want blood, you got it. and if you want the truth, Jan Johnson, you got that too:
Chuck Close attributes certain circumstances and interests in his childhood as to being pivotal experiences, which led him to being an artist. Thoughtfully consider anything from your own childhood, which has obviously pointed you toward your vocational goals, and describe what they might be.
I don’t have a vocational goal. I have too many half-talents and no direction. The reason could possibly lie within experiences from my childhood but that‘s confidential information between me and my therapist.
She gave me full credit for my answer which I found to be unbelievable.
I’m thinking about joining The Observer: the BCC newspaper. I was reading the latest issue today and the articles are beyond mediocre -and I mean that in a negative sense - so I think I’d fit right in. It actually hurts me to say that the Mustang Spirit was a more structured and better written paper, even with Joel’s horrible monthly ICP reviews.
Still, I don’t want to be a journalist.
Tonight is such a good TV night. It’s a little pathetic to admit, but it’s true. America’s Next Top Model SEASON PREMIERE only to be followed by Project Runway FINALE!!
Before the band came out, Chris Martin walked on stage carrying a bouquet of red roses behind his back. Displayed on the giant screen behind him was, “Sorry Tampa! Coldplay Loves You!” Of course, this was a direct apology to Aaran and I for anxiously driving all those hours in September, only to arrive and find that the show had been cancelled. Chris Martin had a head of sad French poodle as he threw the roses into the crowd. (Keep in mind his wife’s an Academy Award winner, I’m sure she gave him some tips.)
During “Yellow” gigantic yellow balloons were released into the audience and two of them popped on my gigantic head and I was left covered in yellow confetti. It was great.
Even though we sat way back in the lawn in the September show at West Palm, compared to the one this weekend up front in the pit, the West Palm one was much better. Can’t really understand why.
Still, it doesn’t matter because all I cared about was seeing Fiona Apple who unfortunately was the opening act with a seven-song set. She is CRA-ZAY and that’s why I love her so. During verse breaks she kept screaming at imaginary people. Aaran and I figured she either a) gets REALLY into her songs b) was yelling at the band, or c) just plain nuts. She was constantly hitting herself, slapping her face or punching her hips as she danced around stage like a possessed Cherokee Indianwoman. Aaran said he could see her attempted suicide scarred wrists, but I’m blind and don’t pay attention to such things.
During “Limp” she subtly acted out the chorus because “it wont be long till you’ll be lying limp in your own hand.” and proved truth to Meghan’s philosophy.
Every two seconds she entered a new wave of emotion:
angry and furious
distraught and sad
calm and peaceful
??? Dancing with the Stars??
Coldplay -
who knows what he's doing
Look how the bright light tries to seep through those crazy locks of his
I swear, it’s the beginning works of The Phil Spector ‘do: