In biology we’re learning about molecular formulas. Of course, I’m completely distracted because I keep thinking about Conan O’Brien as the
El hombre de los molecules!
I had a meeting with my advisor, Melissa, this morning. I knew what was coming but since I’m back to how I was when I was 7 I didn’t know how to handle it. Too many people asking me, “How are you doing?” and waiting for a honest answer.
On top of that, Melissa told me that my biology teacher - Dr. Beans- called her and told her about my lack of class participation and excessive shyness, behind my back.
I was completely overwhelmed and bombarded and then shoved into the office of the campus psychologist. While sitting in this woman’s overly decorated room, she sat back in her chair waiting for me to start. I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. She said, “Fine.”. I said, “Peace.”, and left.
From there, I drove straight to the beach and listened to Execution of All Things on the way. Then when I got to the shore it was indifferent but distanced perfectly projected endlessly"
So I dropped Speech.