Oct 06, 2009 04:49


... I'll update more later, but I'm having too much fun eating bananas and hanging out in the palm trees around the strip!

I wanted to play poker, but the dumb-asses at the casio said monkeys aren't allowed to play. S3eriously, that is total species discrimination right there.
AND- get this - apparently they won't accept bananas to buy poker chips with. Like, WTF???!!!?!11?!

I've also been enjoying eating coconut sorbetto from this place in the Venetian Hotel!

And I saw two cirque-du-soleil shows!
Those circus monkeys sure are something! :D

Stupid Rachelle has been neglecting taking pictures. I'll have to get her to take more pics soon.
And then I'll get her to post them. She's a total controlfreak when it comes to her camera and she won't let me do it!

I'm also gonna go to HOLLYWOOD!

K, I'll write more later!
With sweet sweet monkey-love,
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