Title: State of Mind
elric_ward Rating: M
Genre: Survival.
Word count: 1,732 = 16,978 total so far
Summary: Ward never liked the world, but he was content. Then life decided to turn things around and make it difficult for him.
Author Notes:Hard to write chapter! Lets hope I did well.
In regards to the ecology of the Amestrians; I’ve had thoughts, like real life these guys will have levels in their ecosystem. It seems to me most are either predators, scavengers or opportunistic omnivores. So you would have things where creatures like Winrys and Furys are probably bottom rung and the tougher carnivores like Envys, Wraths and Mustangs are right up the top. Creatures prey on other creatures below them in the levels. The further down the level from a species it is, the more likely it will be eaten or ignored completely (not worth the bother). Similar/same level creatures would either ignore each other or experience conflict when their interests clash. Especially since animal priorities are essential resources, like food, territory and mates. All else is after, but you don’t want to get injured too bad or you won’t be able to access those resources.
Anyway, I would say Elrics (Edwards and Alphonses) would be a level below Mustangs and Alfons another level below that as a non-alchemical creature. Thus, they are a potential food source but only when the Mustang/Envy is desperate as they do not want to risk bodily harm. Otherwise, Edwards would likely be ignored except in cases of territory or forced into the pack. Alfons’ would be potential prey, so would mostly warily avoid the Mustang itself. Envys on the otherhand, are batshit and want to fight as they consider Edwards to be pretty low (when they can pose a threat). /end ramble
Prologue |
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven |
Chapter Eight |
State of Mind - Chapter Nine)