I must say that zillow.com rocks! You can type in an address and get an estimate. You can also see a color areal view of your house. Fun. I couldn't figure out how to save the picture though...
I then went to another website (
http://terraserver.microsoft.com/default.aspx ) where you can actually save the pictures. I found a satelite view of where I grew up, on Wilbur Cemetary Road in Wilbur, Oregon. I put a cheesy little arrow to show where my house was...
Very fun to do, I must say. I remember walking a mile down that road from the bus stop to my house. I'd have blisters from carrying my saxophone. That was the sucky part. Oh and that none of my friends' parents would drive their kids to my house to spend the night since we were about 10 miles out of town.
But good stuff... I made forts in that forest and hiked up the mountain. Saw lots of animals. Petted the neighbors horses, and chased the peacocks. We had no reception so we had basically no TV. I guess you just learn to be creative. I really don't think that there is a better way to grow up :) The only thing I missed out on was having 'neigborhood kids' :(
Please excuse my large amount of reminiscing. I saw the picture and I wanted to share I guess. Y'all should find a satalite of where you grew up and share too!!