Oct 12, 2004 18:27
well, today was a great day..last night i asked mom if i could drive to shcool, and she said no. becaseu dad was taking the truck and adrain needed to take the van for a "bank apponiment" like what the fucks up witht that. anyway, when i woke up she said that i could drive. so iwas liek sweet. so i called ashley and asked her if she wanted a drive and of course she said yes. so i picked her up around 830 and made my way to school.
i had chem first and mr fitz wasnt there, and he left no work, so we didnt do anywork. instead i talked to mark manser about everyting.. we really had aq great conversion,. we talked abut shcool and were we both want to go next year, and i told him that i wanted to go to the mount and he thought that was cool. and he said the same thing katy said. make sure that i keep my english mark up at leat to an 80. so thats what iam trying to do..
than at free block it was so much fun . me, marc, and katie cookie went to tim hortons. and on the way back we stopped at marc. and we talked aobut that great porn movie that marc lent me over the weekend. and we tryed to figure out, when a girl fingers her self and has long nails, wouldnt she cut her self...lol?it was funny and katie wasnt happy becasue we were talking about how great the move was.. and marc told me he was going to lend me another.. its going to be supper cool
and than i had ETG.. that was very touching.. becasue i got a giant hug in that class.. i always like hugs...lol. and its the only time that i head it was ok to make someone cry.. so that really meant something to me.. that was one of the hgit lights of the day..
and than i had my english test. which iam not near done.. so that sucks balls..
after school i had to pick up glen and take him to the rink.. so i had to wait in the harbour till. 310-630.. it was so boirng.. so i drove over and got my self a sub.. i love subs... and than i just sat in the parking lot and did my home work...
tongihts higt light was me down loading a cool song .. wellits not really that cool but i like it.. its called suds in a bucket.. its country.. i thoguth it was cool,becasue it makes me think of marie at work, everytime it comes on she starts dancing and sing ..its so funny. i should take a picture..
anyway pieoce out ima going to bed.. iam tryuied ??