Two posts in one day! What is up with me? I'm bored and achy from the weekend so I thought I could post some of the lovely winter pictures I have on my PC. I guess many of you don't get much to no snow this time of year *cough cough
ckll was asking where her snow is*. This way I can share the beauty with you lot.
All the pictures where taken around where I live.
Most of these are 1, 2 or 3 years old, but not much has changed. The mountains are still high, the snow is still white...
This first one was taken in the Tais forest, which is just out my back door. In this forest the birds will come and eat of your hand...
The next one is also just out my back door, in the Roseg valley. You can take a hors drawn sledge to the restaurant at the end of it.
Still the Roseg Valley, two years later and at a different path
A little stream you find there
This is the Diavolezza a skiing area close by. I don't ski or snowboard, but my uncle and brother do so one of them took these
You can't see much but I just love this next one, it seems so powerful... (not sure who this Snowboarder is)
my brother up on the Diavolezza boarding
A little further down my valley you get views like this
People skate here...
A different skiing area
Same slope, lower down (the village you can see is where I live, you can't see my home, but the hotel where I work)
What is see out my balcony door
a little more to the right you get this
and out my bedroom window
The next village, walking from Samedan to Celerina (this is direction Celerina)
This one shows is direction Samedan
St.Moritz with it's lake
And two close ups of icy lakes
That it! If anyone should want more, I'd be happy to upload more.
This is most definitely not dial up friendly, I've you still want to see them, they (and more) are
here in my Photobucket account