Fri, 02:02: Maximum donation of €30,000. Based on global likes & shares between dates of 17.11.22 & 17.12.22. Donation will be used to benefit BirdLife International. Go to to learn more. This Robin Redbreast Day, we’re branching out.
Fri, 11:53: This thread is great - if anxiety producing for anyone who has to do incident response. I've been through some of these and did not enjoy it.
Fri, 12:07: RT @ peterclowes: Why I left @ twitter or rather why I did not sign up for “extremely hardcore” Twitter 2.0 🧵
Fri, 15:21: Twitter is breaking before my eyes. Errors are piling up. Seeing lots of 'Show this thread' links and comment counts that open - nothing. If he wanted to have to build a new company from scratch he could've done it a lot cheaper than buying Twitter and burning it down.