I swear to whatever deity is currently fashionable, I'll have to go back to 1989 to be able to get the original version of Madonna's Like A PrayerWho's brain-dead idea was it to re-release the track with a tinny pseudo-club backing a few years ago, and distribute it to the masses? If they have testicles, I want them on a plate
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Australia is awesome. Well, Victoria is - I can only vouch for one territory as I was in Melbourne the whole time (plus a brief drive through Geelong which is the next city over). Autumn in April, it's a bit of a weird concept to get around for the likes of me.
The people are sound too, really decent folks down there, always friendly, co-operative, pleasant, and all that jazz. It's nice going somewhere that has no language barrier and cultural similarities... and bonding with the locals basically involves sitting in bars a lot getting drunk on cheap beer (not necessarily a bad thing).
With regards to music - ELO are next, my friend... just wait until they've exhausted the supply of easily-converted eighties synthpop into insipid, "accessable club anthems". I'm all for a revival of electronica but cheapening existing tracks and countless genres of music by releasing it into the mainstream as disposable chart fodder does nothing but keep alive the myth that music from twenty years ago is for novelty value only, and has no merits of its own to stand as credible music.
Anyway, I digress. Oz is cool - go visit.
Dance music and all that has never really been my sort of thing. It was my step dad that got me into bands like the Petshop boys, Duran Duran and ELO. I'm mostly into Heavy Metal stuff like Avenged Sevenfold and so on. But I'll listen to anything once I guess. I'm more into individual songs than albums and bands.
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