If it is my biggest wish to stand at Sutekh's right hand after I shuffle off this mortal coil that led me to this thought.
Who is worthy to stand at the right hand of the god except...another god? It was one of those hand goes to your mouth OMFG moments. So I have two options it seems.
- Attain godhood at some point, either before or after I die.
- Forget the whole idea.
Hey, Imhotep did it.
So lately in conjunction with that thought I've been listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's "Choosing Your Own Greatness". He talks about acting as if you've already made your goal, and to avoid making and striving for your goal from a place of lack. "Life would be so much better if only..." Those kind of thoughts.
It almost like my Spider Plant named Calliope. She grows and grows and grows, continually putting out new leaves and rhizomes. Was she really in lack when she only had one or two rhizomes, and now has three or four? No, of course not. It's not like she was thinking. "I wish I had five shoots. Then I'll really be happy." No, we need to learn to be happy where we are, and approach our wants and desires from that place.