Dream of 9-6-2015

Sep 08, 2015 22:28

NOTE: Taking a break and grabbing some net access tonight, so yay.

It was one of those where the mind seems to encounter an entirely new world whole cloth. At first I likened it to a modernized version of Hell, though now thinking of it, it was more just magical and dangerous than actually malevolent. It involved new technologies of surveillance, and most of the buildings looked futuristic, save for the wooden doors of where one small group of magician's met. I remember a trap where one boy laid down next to another man seemingly submerged underwater. The man grabbed him and dragged him beneath. I got the boy back out, and somehow they turned the man into a dachshund, a rather angry dachshund at that. Though it was on a harness so couldn't do much.

I picked it up again in a second dream, where I walked up and wanted to knock on their door, wanting to join in. That's when I heard a voice softly calling "Adam...Adam..." which for some reason was actually a monster's call out for prey. There wasn't enough time for me to get in unnoticed, so I ran down the steps, and away.

It just seems like an interesting setup for some kind of story.


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