Let's see here. What all's happened since my last post.
Currently finishing up the last of the Christmas cookies to send off. Made M&M, oatmeal, and peanut butter. More on this last kind in a moment. Still have to make the sugar cookies. The mate is busy mixing up decorator icing, because most store bought brands have gluten in one form or another within them. Makes it kinda tough, guys!
The recipe used for peanut butter cookies has...its good and bad points. What I do like it that they came out fluffier than most peanut butter cookies I've seen, and less greasy. I mean, as much as I LOVE peanut butter most times I bite into one of those things and it's like...wow. Were these baked or deep fried? Bad part is they don't taste all that peanut buttery. I guess that's the tradeoff. More taste=More oil involved(from the peanut oil). Could try a low fat peanut butter and see if that gets me closer. There's always another batch waiting to be made somewhere down the road.
I'm rather excited about a couple of presents recieved, and one we're both kind of dumbstruck, wondering what we're going to do with it. I am MOST blown away and overjoyed in that yes, at the Sinclair truck stop in Sidney, NE about 60 miles(96km) from the WY border along interstate 80 my mate picked me up an appox 2.5 ft(76cm) tall statue of a fairy, with black and silvery wings. Yes, this borders on woo woo, but it feels like she's changed the entire energy of the bedroom, if not the whole house. Currently I've dubbed her Winter Silverwing.
Her complexion is fairly(almost said fairy, ha!) pale, with sky blue eyes, black hair, black with silvery highlighted wings, and a mostly white gown with some peach tones added. There was also a set of coasters with a dragon holder, but unfortunately the head broke off, so epoxy to the rescue! It fits really well together though. Not a huge deal.
Also of note is a prize from Nanowrimo arrived(go me!) for having won the most output over one weekend. The title is "Chicken Soup for the Soul - Inspiration for Writers". This is going to come in QUITE handy over the next few months as I start editing, revising, and sending off query letters, AND getting back to some people. Gods, where is the time for THIS going to fit in?
What left us both perplexed is a 108 silverware set from my mother. Now for Thanksgiving we already have a set of gold plated silverware she already sent us, PLUS my paternal grandmother's set of actual silver silverware. So...are we going to use the stainless steel ones for every day and send what we got from Goodwill back, or what? Still contemplating that move.
Made the inquiry about the Lenovo, and...le sigh. I can either spend $59 to get a factory image on a DVD sent to me(one time support fee, wonderful), or wait till I get a copy of Windows 7 and buy an extra license or two so I can use it on more than one machine. Is it any wonder I migrated to Ubuntu? Shees. I want it for two machines, the Lenovo laptop and an old single core AMD 64 I've still got tucked away.
I figured out the escrow mess. I went down to the local Bastards of America branch, and reviewed the letter they sent us. Now as I understood it, I wound up paying about $36 to them to cover a projected shortfall for homeowners insurance and county taxes. Seems a little strange since last year after paying those we still had around $244 left in that account, and I don't think either category went up that much this year. Still, not too much to keep the house payment the same for another year.
All right, time's a wasting and it looks like the mate wants to see a movie, so I need to get off this thing. See y'all soon!