Just came from the
99W Drive In in Newburg. Went and stayed only for the first feature, Despicable Me 2. The movie itself was okay, but I'm here writing more that an announcement that all drive ins have to upgrade their projectors to digital ones within the next 12 months, because 35mm is being phased out completely. So it's adapt or perish.
I'm about to wander over to projectdrivein.com in order to vote for Honda to grant the our local(well, as local as it gets anyway) drive in a free projector upgrade. We can vote online and/or send in a text. Vote3 to 444999. Simple as that. There's only 368 working driveins in the entire country now, down from over 4000 at the peak. In my travels I've passed by a few that have closed down over the years. When I first moved here there at least used to be a working one near Aloha. I haven't been there since the 90's, so I have no idea whether it's still open or not. I know I've passed a closed one on Powell Blvd in Portland. Egad. But there you are. Save the drive in dammit!