stolen from
allegoriest .
*Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
*Turn to page 56.
*Find the fifth sentence.
*Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal.
*Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
"'So you'll come over when I'm home, though, right?'" I hated that I felt suddenly unsure about this."
I didn't know if a quote counted as a sentence, so I added the rest of the sentence within the quote.
BTW... I HATE that part of the book. >.< It makes me get angry at men. Especially vampire men whose names just so happen to be "Edward" and "Cullen".... dammit. why did it have to be New Moon of all books?! That HAS to be my LEAST favorite of the series.