May 18, 2010 20:05
I feel so cosplay-deprived lately. It's driving me absolutely crazy, I've done maybe two things cosplay-related since Anime Boston, which was the first weekend of April. Those two things were starting to style my secret cosplay wig and ordering my Sousuke (Ponyo) wig. Do you realize how LITTLE that is?
I have two issues. Time and money.
Time: I take dance classes four days a week and have play rehearsals usually two to three times a week. That on top of an attempt at a social life really sucks up my time that I need to work on cosplay stuff.
Money: I HAVE NO JOB. I'm getting so desperate. The only jobs I am not applying to are ones where I have to be 18 (since I am only 17) and fast food jobs. I cannot afford ANYTHING right now. I could only get my Sousuke wig because Neelie owed me money and that was the most expensive thing on my list at the moment. I am also $120 in debt to my mom from Anime Boston stuff (Kid's suit, parking, and ConnectiCon registration). So yeah. A job would be really nice right now.
Another, smaller factor is that Josh has my sewing machine right now. But I have no fabric to sew, anyways, so he might as well keep it since he's putting it to more use.
As for actually cosplaying, it's hard to get pictures alone and my cosplay buddies are usually unavailable when I have free time. So Neelie and Michaelpaul and I haven't cosplayed in... Forever. I've only done a mini Germany shoot since Anime Boston. I don't think Neelie's done anything and Michaelpaul hasn't cosplayed since well before Anime Boston, so yeah.
I'm going crazyyy, and not in the good way. I might run to Salvation Army tomorrow with my meager $20 so I can get SOMETHING. We'll see what happens.