Stuff about young adults and young adult books

Apr 01, 2008 19:50

AHHH!!1! Warren Ellis! Steampunk! Graphic novella! Want! Want NOW!

It is the Precious.

So, my brother is taking a creative writing class (which is semi-worthless, but whatevs). They're doing a poetry unit. And you know what? My brother's not a bad poet. I mean, he's sixteen, and his poems all sort of read like Rage Against the Machine lyrics, but they're not bad. Of course, he's not interested in writing poetry or writing anything at all, really. He's only taking the class because he thought it meant he wouldn't have to take Senior English, but it only counts as Senior English if you take it when you're a Senior. Oops.

You know, my siblings and I could not possibly have less similar interests. Tomorrow morning, my dad has a meeting with my brother's guidance counselor, because my brother is trying to take EVERY MATH CLASS his school offers. This means that next year, his Junior year, he'd be taking the second half of Algebra II, Calculus and Trigonometry. On top of AP Chemistry and Latin and, you know, PhysEd or whatever. I think he is out of his damn mind. In high school, I pretty much took all English, History and performing arts classes.

And my sister wants to be an Army medic. So.

Oh, I have to talk to y'all about books. What are the YA books that you think are absolute must-reads? I'm kind of maybe thinking that I'd to write some at some point. I have a few ideas (which are securely tucked into the NOT RIGHT NOW folder, but still). I'm reading Phillip Reeve's Mortal Engines series, which I'm going to talk about a little bit as soon as I've finished Predator's Gold. Off the top of my head, I can think of:

Madeleine L'Engle's body of work
the Damar books and Beauty by Robin McKinley
Chronicles of Narnia
everything Phillip Pullman
most of LM Montgomery’s work

I’ve been enjoying Diana Wynne Jones, but I don’t know that I’d consider her must-read.

I adore the Little House books, but those are maybe more children’s books than YA.

And please don’t talk to me about Harry Potter. I will have to tell you my wicked unpopular opinions about that series, and you will not like it.

Also, I hate Francesca Lia Block, so don’t bother with her, either.

What else? I’m sure I’m missing some very important stuff. Oh, the Oz books. Which I haven’t read, BUT I’M GOING TO. Stop making that face at me.

books, oh siblings

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