Wow.... i'm really productive when there's no-one around xD
Mum and dad are at work and the brother is at school so i have the house to myself.
it's only 1pm and i've done 4 loads of washing, swept, mopped, drawn, cleaned the kitchen and made cookies x3
Cookie recipe as follows
Warning, makes a LOT of cookies
125g butter
1/2 cup caster sugar
6 table spoons of brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 teaspoon if essence)
1 table spoon golden syrup/ maple syrup
2 eggs
1/2 self-raising flour
1 1/2 plain flour
1 cup (or however much you want) chocolate chips. i tend to put whatever chocolate chips i can find in, usually a mix of dark and milk. sadly, today was only milk chocolate
Preheat oven to 160c (180c if not fan forced)
Put everything in a bowl, dry ingredients first, then work into a dough.
Leave in the fridge for 10 minutes for the dough to set and then pan out onto trays covered in grease proof paper.
cook for 13-15 minutes until golden brown and delicious.
Take leftover cookie dough (after you've eaten your fair share) and roll into a sausage between cling film. Place into freezer for later.
When using frozen cookie dough just cut cookie thickness slices off the sausage and let thaw on the pans before cooking. Make sure you remove the cling film first.
Also, random mass effect art