
Dec 16, 2010 22:22

big storm rolled through this afternoon again. We could tell it was going to be bad when the dog literally bit a chunk out of the solid wooden door to the balcony where he hangs out.

It started off with some rumbling, fairly normal for australia this time of year, then some light spitting. THEN it turned into a full on deluge, lightening and thunder, flooded backyard. Rain whipping in sideways and making under the patio all wet.

Then a power pole just up the road got hit by lightening at about 2pm :/
So we've been in a blackout for almost 8 hours *derp, was woken up when my bedroom light turned back on*

Of course, this entire time the dogs been upstairs freaking out. Alternating between 'im going to follow whoever is moving around' and 'curled up in the corner in misery'. This was after his breif period of 'jump on anyone sitting down and try to topple out of chairs' though.

My other dog, ben, the big black labrador, couldn't care less. He kindof just ambled inside and slept in the garage all afternoon to stay out of the wet.

We would put george in there too but he has a habit of climbing on things and/or ripping them to shreds. Last thing he got a hold of were some of those enviro-shopping bags. These shredded bags were later used to tie our banana tree to stakes so it's all good. Recycling and all that jazz xD

My mum and i also had a hair appointment this afternoon and, in going, found out that it was only our street without power. Literally, three houses to the left and nine houses to the right are on a different grid than us :/

So, after dinner (chinese food from down the road) my younger brother and i spent a good while watching dvd's on dads laptop. Batteries in macs must be fracking magic i swear to god. six hours? what is this madness!?

The entire time we were watching stuff, up at the kitchen table, george decided that under my legs was an excellent place to sit. i had a fluffy cattledog footrest.

Power came back on at about 7pm... then we heard a bang. The transformer blew AGAIN. Power just came back on at 10pm.

welp, exam tomorrow. Only got a little last minute cramming in due to nature deciding i'd had enough.

Have some pictures and video of the ordeal.

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another day downunder, rant

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