What a raptastic new layout.

May 22, 2005 04:49

Major thanks/props/homedawg bizzles/win to biteme65 for the kickass hip-hop Chiba-ness. It is most apropos and afrofos, wot-wot.

Since I'm strapped for commentary, I'll reiterate some of the blabberings of my recent Olor blog:

It is very warm here. Very warm. I know I shouldn't be complaining, especially since I used to adore heat, but holy crap, I guess the change was just kinda sudden. Honestly, it was like one day it's cold, the next it's not quite as cold, and then the very next day CRACK-BAM-BIFF it's an Arc the Lad fuckin' Burn Ground on my ASS.

I also rambled on about roadtrips, and crazy shit that can happen on them. You can discover true love, or get dumped on the side of the road, at night, in a wildlife refuge, wearing naught but that fashionable outfit known as flesh. You might find out that Bill the Ol' Bastard is actually quite nice and develop a lasting friendship, or you can learn that he's actually an ex-Strong Man from a nearby carnival that was charged with ODing a midget, and then make a run for Kentucky. Or you could find some lost puppies and return them to their elated owner... or you could come across a crate filled with illegal monkeys that have picked you as their new "human counterpart" for their debatibly more illegal activities.

Do note that all of the above has NOT happened to me. In FACT, I've only encountered TWO out of the three. Which two, I'll leave up to you.

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